ZOOLOGY (20 marks out of 100)
1. Pneumatic bones is found in:
a. aves b. mammals c. amphibians d. reptiles
2. Excretory organ of Pheretima are;
a. coelem b. kidney c. gizzard d. nephridia
3. Poriferans are;
a. monoblastic b. diploblastic
c. tripoblastic d. tetaoblastic
4. 10th vertebrae of Rana is called,
a. typical vertebra b. atlas c. axis d. urostyle
5. Filariform is the larva of:
a. platyhelminthes b. aschelminthes
c. annelids d. arthropods
6. Skeleton of sponge is,
a. endodermal b. ectodermal
c. exoskeleton d. endoskeleton
7. Larva of mosquito is called,
a. gruff b. maggot
c. wriggler d. caterpillar
8. Gemmae are asexual reproductive bodies of,
a. gymnosperm b. mosses c. liverworts d.algae
9.Vector of Kala-azar is
a.Sandflies b.Tsetse fly c.Female anopheles d.House fly
10.Adipose tissue falls under
a.Epithelial tissue b.Connective
c.Muscular tissue d.Nervous tissue
11.The Human Vermiform appendix is an extension of
a.Jejunum b.Rectum c.Caecum d.Duodenum
12.Saddle joint is present between the
a.Metacarpal and carpal b.Metacarpal and phalanges
c.Tibia and femur d.Humerus and radius
13.Which of the following cranial nerves in man is both sensory and
a.Optic b.Olfactory c.Trigeminal d. Auditory
14. Karyokinesis is the division of
a.Nucleolus b.Nucleus c.Cytoplasm d.Ooplasm
15. Coacervates are the clusters of
a.Proteins b.Fats c.Sugars d.Sugars and fats
16.Pace-setter in the heart is called
a. Sino-atrial node (SAN) b.Atrio-ventricular node (AVN)
c.Purkinje fibres d.Pappilary muscles
17.Which of the following is the direct ancestor of Homo sapiens?
a.Australo pithecus b.Homo-sapiens neanderthals
c.Homo erectus d.Ramapithecus
18.The phenomenon of Industrial melanism demonstrate
a.Geographical isolation b.Reproductive isolation
c.Natural isolation d.Unduced mutation
19.Diueresis is a condition characterized by
a.Increase in urine volume b.Increase in glucose excretion
c.Decrease in urine volume d.Decrease in electrolyte balance
20.The cerebellum is concerned with
a.Perception b.Co-ordination of muscular moment
c.Memory d.Vision
1. a | 2. d | 3. b | 4. d | 5. b |
6. d | 7. c | 8. b | 9. a | 10. b |
11. c | 12. a | 13. d | 14. b | 15. a |
16. b | 17. b | 18. c | 19. a | 20. b |
Is the answer of 13 given here right ?
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