Friday, November 24, 2017

Basic Ayurveda Medicine For different disease

Below are the list of Basic Ayurveda medicine that are provided by Nepal government for free of cost.

Hyperacidity - Avipattikar Churna

Disorder of Abdomen:- Hingwastak Churna

Nervous disorder - a. Mahayograj guggulu, b. Mahanarayan oil

Respiratory disease- a. Sitopaladi churna b. Tankan bhasma

Gynecological disease - Pusyanug churna

Pediatric disease - a. Balamrit  b. Mrigamadaasav

Hypertention - Sarpagandha ghana vati

Skin disorder - Nimbadi powder b. Gandhak rasayan

ENT disorder - Khariradi vati , Shadbindu tail

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Yograj Guggulu

Fever - Mahasudarshan Churna

Diarrhea / abdominal disorder - Mahasankha vati b. Bilbadi Churna

Wounds - Jatyadi Oil

Gouty Arthritis - Kaisor Guggulu

Urinary disorder - Chandraprabha vati

Others - Triphala and Ashwagandha churna

*Above mentioned medicine should be taken under supervision of an Ayurvedic practitioner.